Adam-God Theory

I’ve heard of the “Adam-God Theory” but never looked into it. Until recently, I really didn’t know what exactly it referred to. Here is my research into the Adam-God theory for those interested and especially for those who may have concerns about this theory and its history in the restored Church of Jesus Christ. BeforeContinue reading “Adam-God Theory”

Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)

This is a talk, exactly as written, by Beth, that she gave in church in January. She rehearsed the talk verbally to me multiple times before I heard it in church. Of course, through hearing it I knew it was a great talk, but it wasn’t until proofreading and preparing to post this that IContinue reading “Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)”

The Greatest Gift Man can Receive in Mortality

The Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit; he is the Holy Spirit promised the saints at baptism, or in other words the Holy Spirit of Promise, this exalted name-title signifying that the promised receipt of the Holy Spirit, as on the day of Pentecost, is the greatest gift man can receive in mortality. Bruce R.Continue reading “The Greatest Gift Man can Receive in Mortality”

The Shack

The Shack was a New York Times best seller and eventually became a motion picture.  I watched the movie before reading the book.  I liked the movie a lot so was looking forward to reading the book.  The Shack is a story about a man who has to come face to face with his faithContinue reading “The Shack”

Godhead – My Understanding

Two posts ago I discussed the doctrine of the Trinity and my opposition to it. This will be a much gentler post, detailing how I personally come to the belief and understanding of the Godhead as true doctrine.  First, an explanation I didn’t give last time. Definitions: Trinity or Trinitarian belief:  God is one God,Continue reading “Godhead – My Understanding”

The Trinity

I’m not going to cite a bunch of scriptures supporting my point.  In my experience that does nothing because individual scriptures can be interpreted in a million different ways.  Any scripture I give that seems clear as day to me to show God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost as three distinct personagesContinue reading “The Trinity”

Blessing Ivy

I recently had the special opportunity to bless Ivy.  Leading up to the blessing, I did some research on the history of blessing children in the Church of Jesus Christ and its significance.  For Ivy’s blessing, Beth put together an event and a description of what a baby blessing is.  Here is that description: WhatContinue reading “Blessing Ivy”

Organized Religion

What do you think the point of organized religion is? I had an obvious realization recently, only recently.  The point of organized religion is to bring you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  If organized religion doesn’t bring you closer to God, then why do it?  I think it’s why we see so manyContinue reading “Organized Religion”

Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.

These two lectures are combined because they are so closely linked.  They were also combined into one video in the series I’m watching that teaches about the Lectures on Faith. Lectures 3 and 4 are about the unchanging attributes of God and why understanding those attributes is necessary for our faith. The points made inContinue reading “Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.”


It’s amazing to read the Book of Mormon and compare those people to our day.  One story from the Book of Mormon that recently stood out to me was the story of the Zoramites and the rameumptom. The Zoramites were a people who corrupted religion in many ways.  They built a large tower.  This towerContinue reading “Rameumptom”