Discussion Before I Came to Earth

“Now, you’re going to get a lot of attention. A LOT. You will be the center of their world for years. This will give you a huge advantage in life. That early love will carry you for your entire mortal experience.” My upcoming birth and place in life were being discussed. “But, there is aContinue reading “Discussion Before I Came to Earth”

The Eyes of God

I don’t think anything makes me feel closer to God than staring into the eyes of my babies. I’ve written about it before HERE. I don’t remember this specifically with Ivy, though I’m sure it happened. But with Sage I’ve stared into her eyes and it’s the most outstanding, humbling feeling. What did I doContinue reading “The Eyes of God”

Divine Nature of Children

I dusted off this post I wrote 3 months before Ivy was born, but never shared. Seemed inspired to post it after just sharing about how much I learn from Ivy every day. Matthew 18:1-5 1At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2 AndContinue reading “Divine Nature of Children”

The Mourning Dove

The Mourning Dove was one of my favorite books of 2020.  It’s the first book I made Beth read.  I read it in 2 days which isn’t much to brag about at only 84 pages. The inside cover reads: “A tender story of growing up, exploring life, exploring life, and discovering the boundaries and theContinue reading “The Mourning Dove”

What is the Power of Faith?

What is the power of faith? Well, by it the worlds were made so… what can our faith do? I’ve written about a miracle I saw happen in my post Miracle Baptisms. I was once told a story that strengthened my faith and taught me something about the power of faith. By the way, thisContinue reading “What is the Power of Faith?”

The Trinity

I’m not going to cite a bunch of scriptures supporting my point.  In my experience that does nothing because individual scriptures can be interpreted in a million different ways.  Any scripture I give that seems clear as day to me to show God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost as three distinct personagesContinue reading “The Trinity”

At Peace in the Light

By Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry Copyright 1995 _________________________________ I don’t recommend books to people often.  This book I recommended directly to a cousin.  This was a great book. I wonder if I say that about every book I read… At Peace in the Light is a true story of a man who has diedContinue reading “At Peace in the Light”

Ivy James Quackenbush 12/4/20

Ivy came today. I’m writing this in a bit of a haze. I keep getting told to get used to it. Beth started having contractions around 2AM this morning. Apparently I asked her if she was OK around 2:30AM. Don’t have a complete recollection of that. Around 5AM her water broke. We were at theContinue reading “Ivy James Quackenbush 12/4/20”