Letter to Grandpa Q

My grandpa Stan recently turned 90 years old. For his birthday, all his children and grandchildren wrote him a letter. This is the letter I wrote to my grandpa. Grandpa, One of my earliest memories was my first and only trip to Grandaddy Lake. It was horrible. Keep in mind, I was maybe 4. ItContinue reading “Letter to Grandpa Q”

The Higher Law and the End of Blood Sacrifice

Christ fulfilled the law. This was why blood sacrifices were done with after His last and great sacrifice. But what does this mean, practically? The Israelites practiced God’s law which was a law of reparations. You take out the eye of an enemy maliciously, you take out his eye. Someone kills your brother, you killContinue reading “The Higher Law and the End of Blood Sacrifice”

The Lesser Talked about Sacrifice of the Atonement

One of the tragedies the trinitarian belief (that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are one being) has taken away is appreciation and understanding of God’s part of the sacrifice in the Atonement. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.” Doesn’t mean much if there isn’t actually aContinue reading “The Lesser Talked about Sacrifice of the Atonement”

Why do we Love our Children?

I recently heard a quote so good I want to quote it in full: “Think about this. When a little baby is born, that baby cries at inopportune times, makes a lot of noise. It soils its diapers; it demands to be fed when it wants to be fed. It costs you a lot ofContinue reading “Why do we Love our Children?”

A Miracle that Changed the World

These are thoughts from a book I read recently called A Miracle that Changed the World. It was an awesome book that laid out just how spectacular the establishing of America was. This was a section of the book I had some thoughts on. I’m quoting sections of the book with my thoughts. p. 52:Continue reading “A Miracle that Changed the World”

Sagey Dance Party

Sage has gotten much better at sleeping at night, thank goodness. That first month was rough. One night when Sage was a month old, I made live update notes to track her sleeping and try to understand why she was having such a hard time. Here are those notes, exactly as I typed them inContinue reading “Sagey Dance Party”

Adam-God Theory

I’ve heard of the “Adam-God Theory” but never looked into it. Until recently, I really didn’t know what exactly it referred to. Here is my research into the Adam-God theory for those interested and especially for those who may have concerns about this theory and its history in the restored Church of Jesus Christ. BeforeContinue reading “Adam-God Theory”


*Author’s note:  I asked Beth to proofread this before sharing.  I put off posting it for weeks because of my hesitation in sharing something like this about my past.  Beth’s response, “Why wouldn’t you share it?  It’s what got you here.” “Cocaine takes your soul.”  A statement I heard a while back on a podcast.Continue reading “Drugs”