The Power of Repetition

If you were born after the year ~1987 and I just write the words: “We just got a letter.” “We just got a letter.” What happens in your mind? How about: “DARE to keep off drugs…” You know that painful feeling of getting a song stuck in your head? Ivy has started watching Blues Clues. Continue reading “The Power of Repetition”

The Redemption of the Jews

How will God convince the Jews that Jesus is the Redeemer, the Messiah, the Son of God? Is the Jewish nation to wait for Christ to return in His glory for them to realize the truth?  Will God’s chosen people be left to learn of Christ’s divinity at the same moment that the rest ofContinue reading “The Redemption of the Jews”

What is the Power of Faith?

What is the power of faith? Well, by it the worlds were made so… what can our faith do? I’ve written about a miracle I saw happen in my post Miracle Baptisms. I was once told a story that strengthened my faith and taught me something about the power of faith. By the way, thisContinue reading “What is the Power of Faith?”

Godhead – My Understanding

Two posts ago I discussed the doctrine of the Trinity and my opposition to it. This will be a much gentler post, detailing how I personally come to the belief and understanding of the Godhead as true doctrine.  First, an explanation I didn’t give last time. Definitions: Trinity or Trinitarian belief:  God is one God,Continue reading “Godhead – My Understanding”

Blessing Ivy

I recently had the special opportunity to bless Ivy.  Leading up to the blessing, I did some research on the history of blessing children in the Church of Jesus Christ and its significance.  For Ivy’s blessing, Beth put together an event and a description of what a baby blessing is.  Here is that description: WhatContinue reading “Blessing Ivy”

Prodigal Son

The story of the Prodigal Son is well known.  For those who have not read it before or haven’t read it recently it can be found in Luke 15:11-32. The story of the Prodigal Son has always hit close to home for me.  Obviously, it’s easy for me to relate to the younger son.  YouContinue reading “Prodigal Son”


It’s amazing to read the Book of Mormon and compare those people to our day.  One story from the Book of Mormon that recently stood out to me was the story of the Zoramites and the rameumptom. The Zoramites were a people who corrupted religion in many ways.  They built a large tower.  This towerContinue reading “Rameumptom”

Paul’s Life and Letters

Book Review: Paul’s Life and Letters By Dr. Sidney B. Sperry Copyright 1955 __________________ This book was a breakdown of Paul’s life and everything he ever wrote – thus the title.  I haven’t read the New Testament beginning to end.  I want to finish the Old Testament first.  This book helped me get a betterContinue reading “Paul’s Life and Letters”

The Rock Christ would Build His Church Upon

In a book called The Forerunners by Mark E. Petersen, I was introduced to an interpretation of a scripture that I’d read and heard quoted a thousand times.  The truth of the interpretation was so clear I couldn’t believe I’d lived so long with such a clear misunderstanding of the meaning of that important scripture.Continue reading “The Rock Christ would Build His Church Upon”

Pride of the Gentiles

I write this as a complement to my testimony of the Book of Mormon as the Word of God. For the purposes of what I’m writing I will focus on the Old Testament.  I would gladly speak on the New Testament, but for simplicity I will focus on the Old. Let’s look historically at theContinue reading “Pride of the Gentiles”