Organized Religion

What do you think the point of organized religion is? I had an obvious realization recently, only recently.  The point of organized religion is to bring you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  If organized religion doesn’t bring you closer to God, then why do it?  I think it’s why we see so manyContinue reading “Organized Religion”

God, Sin, and Joy

*Edit -Two days before posting this I read this in Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins: “Let’s consider the habit of smoking cigarettes… They contribute to everything from cancer to heart disease… People have every reason in the world not to smoke. Yet the tobacco industry continues to profit, and millions of people continue to smokeContinue reading “God, Sin, and Joy”


It’s amazing to read the Book of Mormon and compare those people to our day.  One story from the Book of Mormon that recently stood out to me was the story of the Zoramites and the rameumptom. The Zoramites were a people who corrupted religion in many ways.  They built a large tower.  This towerContinue reading “Rameumptom”