Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.

These two lectures are combined because they are so closely linked.  They were also combined into one video in the series I’m watching that teaches about the Lectures on Faith. Lectures 3 and 4 are about the unchanging attributes of God and why understanding those attributes is necessary for our faith. The points made inContinue reading “Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.”

Books in 2020

This is a list of every book I read in 2020 and the order I ranked them in from favorite to least favorite.  I get something out of every book I read.  I learned long ago that if I allow myself to not finish one book, I won’t finish any.  For those reasons, when IContinue reading “Books in 2020”