Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)

This is a talk, exactly as written, by Beth, that she gave in church in January. She rehearsed the talk verbally to me multiple times before I heard it in church. Of course, through hearing it I knew it was a great talk, but it wasn’t until proofreading and preparing to post this that IContinue reading “Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)”

The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story

This is my wife, Beth’s testimony exactly as written.  Names have been changed. In a future post I will give some of my thoughts about this, but for now, the power of her testimony should stand on its own, unencumbered by any comments I could hope to make. Here it is. The Journal Entry ofContinue reading “The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story”


This topic, unfortunately, becomes more and more prevalent, and more and more of an issue for us today.  It’s come up so many times, I’ve heard it so many times, and it’s such an issue that I felt I should share some thoughts on this uncomfortable subject. I believe I was 12 when my parentsContinue reading “Pornography”

The Social Dilemma (Netflix)

What is truth? How do we know? If you haven’t watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix, watch it as soon as possible.  Could end up being the most important documentary of our generation.  Given that we are the generation of documentaries, that would make it the most important documentary ever. Why is this documentary important?Continue reading “The Social Dilemma (Netflix)”


** The following is a guest post written by my wife** It’s such a part of who I am and the course of my life, yet I’ve struggled to ever really discuss it with anybody aside from my therapists and maybe a few of my family members. Even then, I’m not sure I’ve ever really,Continue reading “Depression”