Sagey Dance Party

Sage has gotten much better at sleeping at night, thank goodness. That first month was rough. One night when Sage was a month old, I made live update notes to track her sleeping and try to understand why she was having such a hard time. Here are those notes, exactly as I typed them inContinue reading “Sagey Dance Party”

The Eyes of God

I don’t think anything makes me feel closer to God than staring into the eyes of my babies. I’ve written about it before HERE. I don’t remember this specifically with Ivy, though I’m sure it happened. But with Sage I’ve stared into her eyes and it’s the most outstanding, humbling feeling. What did I doContinue reading “The Eyes of God”

Grandma, I will see you soon

I believe Sandra Leach was in her early 30s when she accepted the message of the missionaries of Jesus Christ. I have thanked her for that choice every day of my entire life. I love you Grandma. Thank you. The greatest gift my grandmother gave me was the gift of a gospel household and aContinue reading “Grandma, I will see you soon”

Embrace Fatherhood

A friend of mine wrote a book called Embrace Fatherhood.  There is a part in the book where a father has lost the ability to see his new daughter due to a custody battle.  Upon finding out he will get to spend a weekend with his daughter he says, “This daddy daughter thing, it’s theContinue reading “Embrace Fatherhood”

Love has Afforded Me Much

Ivy is the first grandchild on both sides.  Ivy has 13 aunts and uncles.  She has two sets of grandparents who, while around her, make no qualms about her being the princess of the universe and most important thing to ever come to earth. As I watch her with family, I’m blown away by theContinue reading “Love has Afforded Me Much”


Tomorrow is the three-year anniversary of my Aunt Laura passing away.  Laura was an inspiration to everyone she met.  She had a profound impact on my life. I want to share a little about her and why she was so special. Laura was diagnosed with cancer when I was younger.  As long as I canContinue reading “Laura”

Blessing Ivy

I recently had the special opportunity to bless Ivy.  Leading up to the blessing, I did some research on the history of blessing children in the Church of Jesus Christ and its significance.  For Ivy’s blessing, Beth put together an event and a description of what a baby blessing is.  Here is that description: WhatContinue reading “Blessing Ivy”

Organized Religion

What do you think the point of organized religion is? I had an obvious realization recently, only recently.  The point of organized religion is to bring you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  If organized religion doesn’t bring you closer to God, then why do it?  I think it’s why we see so manyContinue reading “Organized Religion”

You Sent a Dog to Comfort a Boy

I was 21 years old.  I’d been couch surfing for a full year and starting to ask the serious questions.  What was next?  Was this me?  Was there more for me to do?  What do I do? Sensing the end of my ‘no attachment to anything’ days I decided I needed to take advantage ofContinue reading “You Sent a Dog to Comfort a Boy”


I am scared.  Can I protect you? Will you be bright? Will you be happy? Will you be strong or gentle? Will you be mine? I will be yours. You will be gentle and strong. You will bring joy to all those around you. You will bring light to the world. I will protect you.Continue reading “Baby”