Discussion Before I Came to Earth

“Now, you’re going to get a lot of attention. A LOT. You will be the center of their world for years. This will give you a huge advantage in life. That early love will carry you for your entire mortal experience.” My upcoming birth and place in life were being discussed. “But, there is aContinue reading “Discussion Before I Came to Earth”

Infant baptisms, Salvation, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ

One of the great fallacies of Christian belief is what happens to people who die without being baptized, especially those who never, in mortal life, had an opportunity to be baptized. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is sometimes accused of diminishing God through the beliefs He has revealed to us. For example,Continue reading “Infant baptisms, Salvation, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ”

The Greatest Gift Man can Receive in Mortality

The Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit; he is the Holy Spirit promised the saints at baptism, or in other words the Holy Spirit of Promise, this exalted name-title signifying that the promised receipt of the Holy Spirit, as on the day of Pentecost, is the greatest gift man can receive in mortality. Bruce R.Continue reading “The Greatest Gift Man can Receive in Mortality”


Tomorrow is the three-year anniversary of my Aunt Laura passing away.  Laura was an inspiration to everyone she met.  She had a profound impact on my life. I want to share a little about her and why she was so special. Laura was diagnosed with cancer when I was younger.  As long as I canContinue reading “Laura”

Korean Children’s Choir

When I was watching General Conference and the Korean children’s choir started singing “I Love to see the Temple” in a language I did not understand, something amazing hit me.  I don’t know why this thought was spurred by this song from these children. That feeling was this- I am a member of the ChurchContinue reading “Korean Children’s Choir”

Satan’s Story

Who is Satan? I believe a careful reading of different scriptural records gives us a picture of Satan’s progression and tells us how he ultimately ended up cast down.  There will be a lot of scriptural references here (duh).  If you follow the story something becomes pretty clear about Satan.  There’s a major revelation IContinue reading “Satan’s Story”