Creation – Artificial Intelligence

Humans create. They have children – procreate. They think and build. They imagine and construct. They design and fashion. They draw and fantasize and daydream and reconstruct and deconstruct and type and scribble and connect and disconnect and… create. As I type, I create. This blog post likely never existed before and likely will neverContinue reading “Creation – Artificial Intelligence”

Are Women more Faithful than Men?

Why are women more faithful than men? I’ve often wondered this. Others may disagree, but in my experience, generally, it is true. Why is it that women are more faithful than men? There are countless examples of faithful men in the scriptures. There are also examples of faithful women in the scriptures, though less countless.Continue reading “Are Women more Faithful than Men?”

Maybe (The Story of the Chinese Farmer)

“There once was a farmer whose horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. ‘Such bad fortune,’ they said, full of sympathy. “‘Maybe,’ the farmer replied. “The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. ‘What great fortune!’ The neighbors exclaimed. “‘Maybe,’ replied the old man. “TheContinue reading “Maybe (The Story of the Chinese Farmer)”

The Eyes of God

I don’t think anything makes me feel closer to God than staring into the eyes of my babies. I’ve written about it before HERE. I don’t remember this specifically with Ivy, though I’m sure it happened. But with Sage I’ve stared into her eyes and it’s the most outstanding, humbling feeling. What did I doContinue reading “The Eyes of God”

Leedy Wedding

I wrote this at the hotel, a couple hours before officiating Matt Leedy and Sam Simpson’s wedding. It was such an honor being asked to do this.  For me, it’s a bit symbolic of how far I’ve come and transitioned from what I used to be.  When did I become the religious friend trusted toContinue reading “Leedy Wedding”

The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story

This is my wife, Beth’s testimony exactly as written.  Names have been changed. In a future post I will give some of my thoughts about this, but for now, the power of her testimony should stand on its own, unencumbered by any comments I could hope to make. Here it is. The Journal Entry ofContinue reading “The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story”

Blessing Ivy

I recently had the special opportunity to bless Ivy.  Leading up to the blessing, I did some research on the history of blessing children in the Church of Jesus Christ and its significance.  For Ivy’s blessing, Beth put together an event and a description of what a baby blessing is.  Here is that description: WhatContinue reading “Blessing Ivy”

The Chance of Faith

One Sunday I was in my car with a friend, CJ Matthews.  We were driving after church to go do something.  I can’t remember what it was.  Visit someone or give a blessing or something that like. A few minutes into the drive I realized I was out of gas. I remembered I’d been outContinue reading “The Chance of Faith”


Let’s take a quick trip through history.  Bear with me on the history recap, I swear it will be brief. The Revolutionary War started in 1775.  Some rag-tag colonists decided to stand up to and fight for independence from the greatest power in the world.  I’ll say that again, a group of mostly untrained menContinue reading “Freedom”