Hypocrisy in Intelligent Design and Evolution Debate

The theory of intelligent design is, simply put, the idea that this world is too perfectly designed for there to be no designer. The theory comes from what’s called the Watchmaker Analogy, put forth by William Paley in 1802. The idea is that if you walked into the woods and found a pocket watch, youContinue reading “Hypocrisy in Intelligent Design and Evolution Debate”

Prodigal Son

The story of the Prodigal Son is well known.  For those who have not read it before or haven’t read it recently it can be found in Luke 15:11-32. The story of the Prodigal Son has always hit close to home for me.  Obviously, it’s easy for me to relate to the younger son.  YouContinue reading “Prodigal Son”


It’s amazing to read the Book of Mormon and compare those people to our day.  One story from the Book of Mormon that recently stood out to me was the story of the Zoramites and the rameumptom. The Zoramites were a people who corrupted religion in many ways.  They built a large tower.  This towerContinue reading “Rameumptom”

Faith and Signs

3 Nephi chapter 2 is a fascinating and important part of the Book of Mormon.  It’s especially important to our day.  There’s a chance our moment in history could be parallel to this time in the Book of Mormon record. The start of chapter 2 tells us that despite many signs, wonders, and prophesied eventsContinue reading “Faith and Signs”