Defense of Love You Forever

Love You Forever written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Sheila McGraw. Beth made a big mistake and I’m calling her out here. She has criticized Love You Forever. For those unfamiliar with this fabulous children’s book, you can watch a 5-minute video HERE to have it read out loud to you. Or you canContinue reading “Defense of Love You Forever”

Blessing Ivy

I recently had the special opportunity to bless Ivy.  Leading up to the blessing, I did some research on the history of blessing children in the Church of Jesus Christ and its significance.  For Ivy’s blessing, Beth put together an event and a description of what a baby blessing is.  Here is that description: WhatContinue reading “Blessing Ivy”

Sunday Meditation and Basketball

In November of 2019 I started meditating every morning.  I’m not doing anything real impressive.  I spend the first 10 minutes of every day laying on my back on the ground.  I started by listening to guided meditations on YouTube.  Now I have the Calm App on my phone which I highly recommend.  I rotateContinue reading “Sunday Meditation and Basketball”

You Sent a Dog to Comfort a Boy

I was 21 years old.  I’d been couch surfing for a full year and starting to ask the serious questions.  What was next?  Was this me?  Was there more for me to do?  What do I do? Sensing the end of my ‘no attachment to anything’ days I decided I needed to take advantage ofContinue reading “You Sent a Dog to Comfort a Boy”