November 2023 Israel-Palestine Conflict

I wrote about the Israel-Palestine conflict earlier this year. Here we are 10 months later. I encourage anyone to go read my original post. I just did. It helped me refresh in my mind the complexity of this issue. This issue clearly isn’t going away in our lifetimes. I think it’s only a matter ofContinue reading “November 2023 Israel-Palestine Conflict”

Are Women more Faithful than Men?

Why are women more faithful than men? I’ve often wondered this. Others may disagree, but in my experience, generally, it is true. Why is it that women are more faithful than men? There are countless examples of faithful men in the scriptures. There are also examples of faithful women in the scriptures, though less countless.Continue reading “Are Women more Faithful than Men?”

Be Ye Therefore Perfect

There is a message recently brought to my attention in Matthew chapters 5-7. We all know the sermon on the mount. Don’t just not kill, also don’t even be angry. Don’t just not commit adultery, don’t even lust. Be ye therefore perfect. What comes next though? I haven’t before considered how the next chapters leadContinue reading “Be Ye Therefore Perfect”


Forgiveness can be so hard. There’s a reason Christ emphasized it so differently from normal human traditions. Human thinking is, “I can’t forgive them that many times.” God’s response is, “how many times have I forgiven you?” That point is brought home in Matthew chapter 18. In verses 21-23, Peter asks that question we’re allContinue reading “Forgiveness”

Talk – How can I show faith in Jesus Christ more in my daily life?

I recently shared Beth’s amazing talk given on the natural man being an enemy to God. That can be read by clicking HERE. The following week I was asked to give a talk on the topic, “how can I show faith in Jesus Christ more in my daily life?” I thought I’d share that asContinue reading “Talk – How can I show faith in Jesus Christ more in my daily life?”

Share Your Light

In Teaching in Heaven I talked about the struggle of sharing the gospel with friends and loved ones who have such a different starting point in religious background and understanding from what I have. I talked about how this can be frustrating at times. This is a follow up to that post. This is moreContinue reading “Share Your Light”

A Dream About Prophets

I had a dream last night.  In it I was going down a stream.  I had the feeling of leaving civilization for the wilderness.  I came to a cliff.  I climbed to the top and on the precipice there was a small and shabby tent erected.  I went inside and there was an old prophet. Continue reading “A Dream About Prophets”

Divine Nature of Children

I dusted off this post I wrote 3 months before Ivy was born, but never shared. Seemed inspired to post it after just sharing about how much I learn from Ivy every day. Matthew 18:1-5 1At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2 AndContinue reading “Divine Nature of Children”

Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.

These two lectures are combined because they are so closely linked.  They were also combined into one video in the series I’m watching that teaches about the Lectures on Faith. Lectures 3 and 4 are about the unchanging attributes of God and why understanding those attributes is necessary for our faith. The points made inContinue reading “Lectures on Faith – Lectures 3 and 4: The Character and Attributes of God.”


It’s amazing to read the Book of Mormon and compare those people to our day.  One story from the Book of Mormon that recently stood out to me was the story of the Zoramites and the rameumptom. The Zoramites were a people who corrupted religion in many ways.  They built a large tower.  This towerContinue reading “Rameumptom”