Ivy Thoughts Part 4

After a discouraging post last week, and on this Thanksgiving day when there’s so much to be grateful for, it’s time for another happy installment of Ivy Thoughts. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 for reference. We had a bit of a fly infestation in our area for a couple weeks. Flies were inContinue reading “Ivy Thoughts Part 4”

Ivy Thougts Part 3

It’s time for one of my favorite posts to write – Ivy thoughts! This is a good one. One of the funnest things about being a parent is watching your child start to mimic you. It’s in those moments that I get a snapshot into how closely she is watching me. The other day BethContinue reading “Ivy Thougts Part 3”

Of Goodly Parents

Over Christmas, I watched family home videos with my family. We played a video from 1994, a few months after my sister Adie was born. I was four at the time. I was singing to Adie. Early in the video, I was singing Humpty Dumpty, Old Mcdonald, and Jack and Jill. Then I started singing Follow the Prophet.Continue reading “Of Goodly Parents”

Defense of Love You Forever

Love You Forever written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Sheila McGraw. Beth made a big mistake and I’m calling her out here. She has criticized Love You Forever. For those unfamiliar with this fabulous children’s book, you can watch a 5-minute video HERE to have it read out loud to you. Or you canContinue reading “Defense of Love You Forever”

Why do we Love our Children?

I recently heard a quote so good I want to quote it in full: “Think about this. When a little baby is born, that baby cries at inopportune times, makes a lot of noise. It soils its diapers; it demands to be fed when it wants to be fed. It costs you a lot ofContinue reading “Why do we Love our Children?”


If you’re a parent and ever get frustrated with your kids (every parent), especially if they are younger kids, you need to check out the Disney short called “Float.” It’s only 6 minutes long and can be watched on Disney+ or HERE. I have to remind myself often that Ivy is constantly experimenting. Everything sheContinue reading “Float”

Another Toddler Experience

I hope parents learn from their toddlers. I learn from Ivy all the time. Here is a simple example. Today we were all sitting on the couch. Sage was cradled in my left arm. Beth was sitting to my right with Ivy in her lap. Bengie, our aging dog, was between us. Ivy was doingContinue reading “Another Toddler Experience”

Watching Kids Grow

I know everyone with kids has experienced this, so I’ll try to do it some justice by putting it into words. Watching your kid(s) go from potato to living, breathing, functioning being is the most amazing, rewarding, spectacular thing. I once heard an interview with an extremely successful man.  Like – hundreds of millions, topContinue reading “Watching Kids Grow”

We’re Being Watched

Beth just said something that gave me the heebie-jeebies, even though it’s something we already know, and unfortunately, are starting to accept. Beth said, “You know what I just realized?  Whenever we watch YouTube TV kids shows, all of the ads are super girly stuff.  They totally know we have a daughter.” They. Remember inContinue reading “We’re Being Watched”

Divine Nature of Children

I dusted off this post I wrote 3 months before Ivy was born, but never shared. Seemed inspired to post it after just sharing about how much I learn from Ivy every day. Matthew 18:1-5 1At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2 AndContinue reading “Divine Nature of Children”