Chosen by God

I had a thought that never occurred to me before while reading Doctrine and Covenants 138, as obvious as this thought is. I believe it’s correct that some of the ancient prophets, Adam down to Joseph Smith and beyond, have resurrected bodies and are in heaven teaching. For some reason I’d only ever thought aboutContinue reading “Chosen by God”

Plan of Salvation and What Christianity is Missing

Outside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what does Christianity believe about the after-life? Generally speaking, Christianity believes that we are born on earth, live our lives, die, are judged, and assigned to either heaven or hell. I heard something on an awesome podcast called Unshaken Saints recently that I’d never realized.Continue reading “Plan of Salvation and What Christianity is Missing”

Addiction, Freedom, and Satan

The title of this post makes pretty clear where this is headed. I recently listened to a “Public Service Announcement” at the end of a Hidden Brain podcast episode about resolutions. The podcast had someone on their staff record a message that he would like to share with youth about smoking. Today the dangers ofContinue reading “Addiction, Freedom, and Satan”

Discussion Before I Came to Earth

“Now, you’re going to get a lot of attention. A LOT. You will be the center of their world for years. This will give you a huge advantage in life. That early love will carry you for your entire mortal experience.” My upcoming birth and place in life were being discussed. “But, there is aContinue reading “Discussion Before I Came to Earth”