Hypocrisy in Intelligent Design and Evolution Debate

The theory of intelligent design is, simply put, the idea that this world is too perfectly designed for there to be no designer. The theory comes from what’s called the Watchmaker Analogy, put forth by William Paley in 1802. The idea is that if you walked into the woods and found a pocket watch, youContinue reading “Hypocrisy in Intelligent Design and Evolution Debate”

The God Question: Intelligent Design, Evolution, and God

This is a version of an essay I wrote for a science and religion course. That’s why it has such an “official” tone, and the headlines. I don’t share this because I think it’s an extraordinary essay. But I do think I made some decent points about the “God issue” in science. When you spendContinue reading “The God Question: Intelligent Design, Evolution, and God”