
The other day I banged my knee against a bed frame so hard that I almost threw up. The pain was excruciating. Then I realized, why am I fine? I’m fine because I know the pain will end in the next couple minutes, then I’ll be fine. I haven’t experienced tons of physical pain inContinue reading “Pain”

The Lesser Talked about Sacrifice of the Atonement

One of the tragedies the trinitarian belief (that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are one being) has taken away is appreciation and understanding of God’s part of the sacrifice in the Atonement. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.” Doesn’t mean much if there isn’t actually aContinue reading “The Lesser Talked about Sacrifice of the Atonement”


Since I wrote that dramatic post about my near death it’s probably good etiquette to write a follow up about how I’m recovering. The human body is a truly extraordinary thing.  Blows my mind that some people think this thing that has a trillion parts working perfectly together can have fallen together like a puzzleContinue reading “Recovery”

Facing Death

“We need to wait for a helicopter.  It’s 2 hours by road to the nearest hospital.  You might have internal bleeding in your brain.  You might die before we could get you there.”  I was in the back of an ambulance for the first time.  It’s an interesting thing to wonder if you’re being melodramaticContinue reading “Facing Death”

Book Review: The Problem of Pain

The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis Copyright 1940 ________________________________ From the front cover: “The point about reading C.S. Lewis is that he makes you sure, whatever you believe, that religion accepted or rejected means something extremely serious, demanding the entire energy of mind.” Before starting this book, I was in the precarious position ofContinue reading “Book Review: The Problem of Pain”