Inheritance and Lehi’s Blessing

I have always been confused by the blessings of Lehi to his posterity in the 4th chapter of 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon.  For one, there is the obvious blessing that is missing: Nephi’s.  For another, there seem to be mixed messages.  Laman and Lemuel have a blessing, but it may be removed? Continue reading “Inheritance and Lehi’s Blessing”

Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)

This is a talk, exactly as written, by Beth, that she gave in church in January. She rehearsed the talk verbally to me multiple times before I heard it in church. Of course, through hearing it I knew it was a great talk, but it wasn’t until proofreading and preparing to post this that IContinue reading “Beth’s Talk on Mosiah 3:19 (January)”

The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story

This is my wife, Beth’s testimony exactly as written.  Names have been changed. In a future post I will give some of my thoughts about this, but for now, the power of her testimony should stand on its own, unencumbered by any comments I could hope to make. Here it is. The Journal Entry ofContinue reading “The Journal Entry of Beth’s Conversion Story”

Truths Removed from the Bible

This post comes directly from something I read on my favorite Book of Mormon commentary website. He received it from a book I would like to read at some point by Anthony E. Bentley: 1000 Evidences for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Part Two-A Voice from the Dust: 500 Evidences in SupportContinue reading “Truths Removed from the Bible”

Teaching in Heaven

I was having a conversation with a very close friend about the Church.  Topics ranged from authority, to the Book of Mormon, to prophets.  As I was having this conversation I realized how uphill the battle was to describe these things to someone whom the topic was so foreign to. It wasn’t that my friendContinue reading “Teaching in Heaven”

Authority in God’s Kingdom

In 1830 the church was brand new and something extremely difficult happened.  An issue occurred which would forever shape church government.  This issue would establish a pattern, God’s pattern, of order. An extremely faithful member of the Church, in fact one of the 8 witnesses of the Book of Mormon, started to receive revelations onContinue reading “Authority in God’s Kingdom”

Am I a Christian?

I was told I’m not a Christian. I was looking to attend a Christian University and when the counselor I was speaking to heard I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints she got kind of upset.  She seemed truly disappointed to break the news to me.  “You can’t attendContinue reading “Am I a Christian?”

A Dream About Prophets

I had a dream last night.  In it I was going down a stream.  I had the feeling of leaving civilization for the wilderness.  I came to a cliff.  I climbed to the top and on the precipice there was a small and shabby tent erected.  I went inside and there was an old prophet. Continue reading “A Dream About Prophets”

Israel–Palestine Conflict

I recently went about educating myself on the current conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine.  It was briefly a popular subject in the news recently.  Then, as the news is wont to do, the next hot topic came, and we didn’t hear about this issue anymore.  That doesn’t mean this is noContinue reading “Israel–Palestine Conflict”


This topic, unfortunately, becomes more and more prevalent, and more and more of an issue for us today.  It’s come up so many times, I’ve heard it so many times, and it’s such an issue that I felt I should share some thoughts on this uncomfortable subject. I believe I was 12 when my parentsContinue reading “Pornography”