Meaning in Religious Art

This was an essay I wrote for a meaning of life through art class I took, thus the official format. I feel it was worth sharing. Meaning in Religious Art             It was with difficulty I prepared to hypothesize about the meaning of life when I believe I know the meaning of life. It occurredContinue reading “Meaning in Religious Art”

Book Review: The Problem of Pain

The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis Copyright 1940 ________________________________ From the front cover: “The point about reading C.S. Lewis is that he makes you sure, whatever you believe, that religion accepted or rejected means something extremely serious, demanding the entire energy of mind.” Before starting this book, I was in the precarious position ofContinue reading “Book Review: The Problem of Pain”

Light You Reflect

In a book titled It Was on Fire When I Lay on It by Robert Fulghum, he tells a story about when he asked Alexandros Papaderos the question, “what is the meaning of life?” Robert Fulghum relates that Dr. Papaderos pulled a small round mirror out of his wallet.  He said he had found theContinue reading “Light You Reflect”