What do we believe in?

My Aunt Lindsey often asks the question, “What do you know?” I usually respond, “Not much.” What do we really know? Anything? While reading Mosiah chapter 26, I came across an interesting commentary from Hugh Nibley, one of my favorite scholars. The commentary was on Mosiah 26:15 which reads: “Blessed art thou, Alma, and blessedContinue reading “What do we believe in?”

The God Question: Intelligent Design, Evolution, and God

This is a version of an essay I wrote for a science and religion course. That’s why it has such an “official” tone, and the headlines. I don’t share this because I think it’s an extraordinary essay. But I do think I made some decent points about the “God issue” in science. When you spendContinue reading “The God Question: Intelligent Design, Evolution, and God”

Faith of an Atheist – Bouncing Atoms

What does an atheist have faith in? We all have faith. We have faith that we eat, and the food will sustain our body. We have faith that we drink, and the water sustains our body. We have faith that we breathe, and air sustains our body. We have faith that we will move, andContinue reading “Faith of an Atheist – Bouncing Atoms”

Faith of an Atheist

I recently heard something I found interesting.  “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.” This statement came from a religious person who was speaking with a person who said they were an atheist. The religious person asked, “Do you hope you’re wrong?” The atheist replied, “Yes, I do.” The religious person replied, “Good,Continue reading “Faith of an Atheist”