Lectures on Faith – Lecture 2: The Object of Faith

A main theme throughout the Lectures on Faith is God’s perfect attributes.  Logically, for us to be able to have any faith in God He must be perfect.  We must know that we can trust God and, in turn, His Son, Jesus Christ.  The major theme I took away from Lecture 2 specifically is howContinue reading “Lectures on Faith – Lecture 2: The Object of Faith”

Lectures on Faith

Lectures on Faith – Introduction and Lecture 1: Faith Defined. I’ve been watching a series of videos on the Lectures on Faith as supplemental material to my study of the Lectures. If you’re not familiar with the lectures on faith, you can read them all here: https://lecturesonfaith.com/ It’s unclear who officially wrote the Lectures onContinue reading “Lectures on Faith”