The Prints

There’s a subtlety throughout scripture I don’t think we discuss often enough.

We know that when we are resurrected, we are resurrected to our perfect frame. Not a hair on our heads will be lost. We will be perfected (Alma 11:43-44).

We also know that when Christ showed Himself after His resurrection, He retained the prints in his hands, wrists, and feet (3 Nephi 11, John 20).

Why does Christ retain these markings? Why does He keep these reminders of the most pain and suffering any person has ever experienced? It’s because Christ doesn’t remember the suffering when he looks at those marks. He remembers us.

He could choose to remove those physical “blemishes.” Instead, He keeps them as a reminder.

He also probably keeps them for us. So that when we see Him, we can be reminded of what He did for us. So we can remember His suffering and in turn realize how deeply He loves us. In this sense, Christ may have Thomas the Doubter (unfair title) in mind (John 20:25).

Everything in scripture can hold some deep significance.

I think this often overlooked fact holds spectacular significance.

He was pierced through, tortured, suffered for us. He will never forget us. We are etched in the palms of His hands.

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