Faith in Our Ears

I’ve written about what we put our faith in and what we can trust and believe before.

See –

Faith of an Atheist – Bouncing Atoms



for examples.

This seems a timely moment to remind everyone, especially in the world we live in today, you can’t always believe what you see or hear.

Seeing is no longer believing.

A guy I work with recently left work abruptly. It wasn’t until later we learned he was victim to a kidnapping scam.

For those who haven’t heard of this, it was exactly this:

News story

The guy I worked with received a call, heard his daughter’s voice crying and asking for help, and then the “kidnappers” claimed if they didn’t receive money soon, she would be dead.

It wasn’t until much panic had ensued that they learned the daughter, in the case of my coworker, was safely at school.

In case you missed it, I’ll make this clear: what my coworker heard on the other end of the phone was his daughter crying. Whoever was calling him had used audio, somehow attained (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, who knows?) to make it sound just like his daughter.

Artificial Intelligence is causing the lines between reality and fiction to be blurred.

I sometimes wonder what it will be like when Christ comes down from the sky. I wonder if most people will think it’s some technological spectacle and brush it off.

We see UFOs daily and no one cares.

Seeing is no longer believing. We can no longer trust what we hear.

What do we put our faith in?

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